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BGT Pool a single-token staking investment

Introducing BGT Pool: 

BGT Pool offers a single-token staking investment solution that allows users to stake and later redeem both their initial investment and accrued interest upon maturity.

Countdown to BGT Pool: 1 Day Left

BG Trade (BGT) is spearheading an all-encompassing RWA (Real World Assets) platform, facilitating seamless connections between assets like stocks, bonds, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and more.

The BGT token has an issuance price of around $0.33, featuring considerable potential for price appreciation. With a trading volume surpassing $51 million and over 19,000 BGT holders as of August 8th, the token's popularity is evident.

As the ecosystem advances, encompassing BGT's trading market, staking mining, financial products, SaaS, and more, its inherent value will continue to unfold.

Details of BGT Pool:

- Staked Token: $BGT

- Earned Token: $BGT

- $BGT Token Holders

  - $BGT on Polygon: [PolygonScan Link]

  - $BGT on Arbitrum: [Arbiscan Link]

Staking Period: BGT staking pools offer multiple durations, including 7 days and 30 days, with users eligible to withdraw their staked amount after the lock-up period concludes.

Earning Structure: Varying staking periods correspond to different yield rates, with longer periods yielding higher returns.

Settlement Method: BGT Pool employs token-based settlement, combining both principal and interest in BGT for the final earnings.

Settlement Time: Earnings are calculated daily and settled upon maturity. Each financial product is distinctly displayed, and real-time earnings tracking is available.

Deposit Time: Principal and earnings withdrawals are instant upon maturity.

Transaction Fees: BGT Pool operates with zero transaction fees.

Advantages of BGT Pool:

- Security: Secure on-chain smart contract execution and decentralized operations ensure robust security.

- High Yield: Up to 80% returns.

- RWA Dividends: MetaTdex pioneers an RWA-backed token financial zone.